Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I just wanted to share some of these little anecdotes with you. Some of you may have heard these, but hopefully at least one will be new to someone. Here they are:

A few Saturdays ago, David was upstairs on the top level, Sophie and I were in the family room, and Aidan was alone in the playroom. I can only imagine that he was enjoying his knight's castle set (complete with little plastic battle axes), and Sophie's tiny princess dolls (what are knights without damsels, no?). Suddenly I hear Aidan have the following exchange with himself: "Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair to me!" (Large pause) "Okay!"

Last week, Aidan and I spent the morning in the office while I filed at least 6 months of old bills and important documents. I loved getting the huge job done, and Aidan loved playing preschool games on the computer with me only an arm's length away and willing to help at any time. When Sophie came home and joined us, Aidan started choosing more complicated games, and Sophie wanted to help. I wanted her to help, because I was just 30 minutes away from a more organized office than I'd had in ages. Sophie said, "Aidan, can I please help you?" I pleaded, "Aidan, will you please let Sophie help you with the game?" Aidan looked at each of us and then began to throw and huge, loud fit. Sophie's response to that: "I think that's a 'no.'"

On Monday evening, we were returning from a fundraiser spaghetti dinner for Springville High, and we got on the subject of Halloween costumes. David and I were making suggestions, and Sophie was expressing her interest and distaste at the ideas. Suddenly, Sophie got on the subject of scarecrows. "We should have a scarecrow. Mommy, if we ever have a garden, we should have a scarecrow." David suggested, "YOU should dress as a scarecrow" (clearly still thinking Halloween) to which Sophie responded, "Then I'd have to stay outside all night and all day."

And those are just the ones I can remember right now...


Jannah said...

someone call child services, I'm pretty sure it would qualify as underage employment and child neglect to put poor Sophie out in the garden that way!
My own little cherubs are mulling over their costumes, Ella wants to be cinderella but with a "really fluffy skirt" - read not the one you can buy in Walmart, but one her mother would make for her if she weren't HEAVY WITH CHILD. We'll see what she gets. Lian wants to be a jelly bean, or a bag of jelly beans, or maybe just carry a bag of jelly beans, she is flexible - or changeable, just now she told me she wants to be an angel. I want her to be an angel too, not a screaming banshee!
Much love, glad you are blogging, and I think you are doing GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! things in your life

Emmie said...
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Emmie said...

"I think that's a 'no.'" Priceless! Sophie has a true gift for understatement and irony.

I second Jannah's last sentence! Love you!

Gladiator said...

I finally got in !

Thanks, hon. We can have some fun with this.

I love you.

Dad (aka Gladiator)