Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm so excited to be tagged, and I have no one to tag who hasn't recently been tagged by someone else...

But anyway, it has been about two months since I've posted anything. Sorry about that. While my dear friends and family would probably enjoy an update on our little clan (it's coming), I am delighted to accept a tag from one of my favoritest people who loves Hello Kitty. Anyway, little lamb, this one's for you:

Five Things I Was Doing Ten Years Ago:

1. Living in Jaro, IloIlo, the Philippines, and serving a mission for the LDS church.
2. Making a weekly treck to Sbarros with a bunch of white people to overpay for undercooked pizza and saucy pasta (the closest I could come to home).
3. Trying desperately to avoid aggressive and very unkind preachers from another Christian faith who stalked us with intent to argue about God, and who would not leave us alone - EVER!
4. Being told by a small, very dirty Filipino boy with black teeth that I had a very small chest.
5. Eating fried milkfish every week with calamansi juice mixed in soy sauce (yummy!), and fighting over the head with the Filipinas. (Many would argue that's better than my fettish for half-developed duck eggs).

Five Things On My To Do List: (Okay, I had to rewrite some of these items to make them sound more interesting, but the actions really are on my to-do list. For real.)

1. Write thank you notes to a bunch of people.
2. Call my visit teaching companion and visiting teachees, again.
3. Practice my recorder for a performance with friends at a Christmas party this Friday.
4. Do some laundry before we end up having to move to a nudist colony.
5. Return New Moon and Eclipse to my friend Holly. (I finished them in September.)

Five Snacks I Enjoy: (I'm going to list a few things that I'd like to enjoy but currently have to severly limit due to my pregnant state and my intense fear of eating too much sugar).

1. Twizzler cherry twisty ropes. (I know that Twizzlers are completely processed and everything, but I swear they put herion in their cherry flavored stuff or something. I just can't get enough of it).
2. Triscuits with chedder cheese and green olives with pimentos.
3. Almonds. The perfect food.
4. Nachos with plenty o' nacho cheese, very heavy on the jalapenos. (Makes my abdomen ache awhile later, but oh so worth it).
5. Cellas cherries made with dark chocolate alternating with Ferrero Rochers. One bite of cherry, one bite of hazelnut. Mmmmmmmmmmm...

Five Things I Would Do If I Were a Billionare:

1. Buy an energy efficient estate with an indoor swimming pool and a racquetball court.
2. Travel overseas at least once every other year, and visit far away family at least 3 or 4 times a year.
3. Replace our vehicles with hybrids.
4. Support the following individuals/organizations: LDS-missionaries from non-LDS families, public television, high quality local theatres, and various other charities
5. Save - I'd do what Tom Cruise does (according to Steve Martin): Every day I'd take a million dollars and just put it away, and at the end of the year, I'd have a little cushion. :)

Three of My Bad Habits:

1. Mulling over past painful experiences. (A rotten habit indeed).
2. Staying up too late.
3. Losing patience and yelling at my kids. (Even more rotten than #1)

Five Places I Have Lived:

1. The Philippines
2. Florida
3. Connecticutt
4. Louisiana
5. Utah

Five Jobs I've Had:

1. Underpaid actress in a union house
2. Compaq admin at Modus Media
3. Cafe worker at a natural foods store
4. Housekeeper at a bed-and-breakfast inn
5. Server at a Sizzler

Five Things People Probably Don't Know About Me:

1. Though I love performing, part of me wishes I had gotten a BA in Linguistics (studying at least Russian, French, and German).
2. I have a life goal to go back and read all of the classics, especially those I fudged with Cliff's Notes in high school. (I confess.)
3. When I'm stressed, half of my thoughts sound like an 'R' rated basketball movie.
4. I occassionally have nightmares about doing drugs or getting drunk, and I wake up terrified for the first few minutes.
5. If I do a show or a performing master class and am away from my children for very long periods of time, I cry A LOT.

I don't yet know who to tag, but I'll find someone. Hmmmm...

1 comment:

Princess Heather said...

You are delightful!

And thank you for your comment on my Sally post. I have been having a very hard time about the whole thing. I think partially because it IS a sad thing to happen to a sassy bunny, but also I am just stressed and I guess I need a reason to have an emotional breakdown.

I am fastly running out of time to see you before I leave for the holidays. Maybe could I stop by sometime during the day and drop off this years and last years tokens of my appreciation for the Graham's? :)

