Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Negative Influence of TV

I love PBS kids!! I love that PBS kids is so fabulous, because it wouldn’t really be wise for someone like myself (who often gets very bored and lonely and open to distractions from my housewife duties) to have cable television. So, for that reason, I will repeat that I LOVE PBS Kids.

My favorite show, as I’ve mentioned before, is Wordgirl. This show is crazy funny, and I highly recommend it to most people I meet, which must be a little strange coming from a 33 year old woman. Still, you are welcome to judge for yourself if I’m right or just a little crazy.

Back to the influence thing: Aidan was watching said show, and the Butcher was making forgeries of famous art out of meat spread. Wordgirl only realized it at the last minute and ordered Captain Huggy-Face to take a bite out of the statue. Unsure of whether or not to trust it, the police commissioner thought he’d examine the statue for himself and ordered his deputy to “Get me a cracker.” Less than a second later, Aidan looked at me with a thoroughly grumpy face and demanded, “Get me a cracker.” This guy really likes crackers and would live off of them if allowed to. Thanks a lot, Wordgirl! (But I still love you!!)

Anyway, I did the only smart thing to do in such a situation. I laughed. And he smiled (it looked something like this).

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I LOVE Word Girl. How could you not? Isn't it great that it's on every day now, instead of last year's spontaneous schedule? It's one of my favorite shows.